Medical Eye Care
If you have diabetes, you must watch several aspects of your health that the condition can impact. Keeping your eyes healthy is one vital aspect of diabetes. That’s why it’s crucial to have a regular diabetic eye exam to monitor and maintain eye health. If you have diabetes, you’re at a significantly increased risk of […]
Current Events, Eye Safety
In recent years, Halloween costumes have expanded to include contact lenses with colors or designs like the ones shown on this page. Many of these are not FDA approved and therefore they carry several risk factors, even if they are just used one evening. If the colored contact lenses are available without a prescription, they […]
Eye Safety
By Crystal Hoffert, OD – St. Luke’s Cataract & Laser Institute | Nothing can be more refreshing on a hot day than taking a dip in one of Florida’s beautiful bodies of water – including salt water, lakes, rivers and, of course, swimming pools.Fun in the water does not come without risks, but you can […]
Current Events, Eye Safety
SOLAR ECLIPSE Q&A WITH ALFONSO PONCE, MD Our own Alfonso Ponce, MD is headed to a prime viewing spot for the August 21st solar eclipse. We asked him a few questions about what precautions to take during this unique event. What will happen if I look at the eclipse without proper eye protection? During the solar eclipse, […]